![]() MissFITS is a program that performs basic maintenance and packaging tasks on FITS files using an optimised FITS library. MissFITS can:
What’s new?
- 2014-03-20 : At last! By popular request, the official versions of nine AstrOmatic packages have been updated and include all the improvements from the development versions.
1 comment. - 2010-04-29 : MissFITS V2.4.0 released, fixes critical bug on Mac OS X.
0 comments. - 2009-10-05 : Many AstrOmatic software packages offer the possibility to generate metadata in XML-VOTable format at the end of an execution run.
0 comments. - 2009-05-04 : AstrOmatic binary software is packaged slightly differently from older (TERAPIX) releases. Read about the choices made for packaging AstrOmatic software and the main changes between the old and the new system.
0 comments. - 2007-11-14 : New MissFITS 2.2.7 release available!
The MissFITS documentation is complete and reasonably up-to-date.
Acknowledging MissFITS
Marmo, C. & Bertin, E. 2008: MissFITS and WeightWatcher: two optimised tools for managing FITS data, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 394, 2008 J. Lewis, R. Argyle, P. Bunclarck, D. Evans, and E. Gonzales-Solares, eds., p. 619 [PDF] [BibTeX entry].