What’s new?
- 2014-03-20 : At last! By popular request, the official versions of nine AstrOmatic packages have been updated and include all the improvements from the development versions.
1 comment. - 2009-05-23 : Altissimum planetam tergeminum observavi («I saw the most distant planet triple-bodied») wrote Galileo about his observations of Saturn in 1610. How could he initially come to such a conclusion?
1 comment. - 2009-05-04 : AstrOmatic binary software is packaged slightly differently from older (TERAPIX) releases. Read about the choices made for packaging AstrOmatic software and the main changes between the old and the new system.
0 comments. - 2007-01-16 : SkyMaker V3.1.0 is fully parallelized and brings further improvements in computing speed for galaxies.
0 comments. - 2006-06-15 : SkyMaker V3.0.3 is now available! This new version offers the possibility to load external PSFs and significant improvements in speed.
There is no SkyMaker documentation yet.Acknowledging SkyMaker
Bertin 2009: SkyMaker: astronomical image simulations made easy, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement 80, 422 [PDF] [BibTeX entry].
On the web
- Some presentation slides by T. Erben (AIfA, Bonn) describing the main software features and how to make good use of them.
- Sébastien Carassou’s PhD thesis describing SkyMaker in the context of likelihood-free inference